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What We See so Far - "Itou-kun doesn't know about love"


Itou Kazuki is a new transfer student who comes off more than strange given that his entire face is wrapped in bandages. Behind these bandages though lies an unexpected secret. A secret which Yoshiuchi Aika discovers. Following a series of events, the two start off as friends and clumsily become a couple. Thus begins the tale of a rather unconventional couple.

The Good

The whole learning what it means to love or be in a relationship is nothing new in the shoujo genre. However, with this work, the whole concept of a youkai trying to learn about humans and relationships gives a touch of something new. What’s more, it gives a cute point to Itou and Yoshiuchi’s relationship given how his obliviousness actually has a reason for it rather than being a personality quirk. Honestly, the way that the series has handled the two’s relationship so far is a strong point for the series. Other than this, the designs of the characters are also nice, mainly with how it plays with their expressiveness.

The Bad

The only prominent flaw of the series so far is with Aika’s personality development. With the first chapter we got an initial look at her character but after she got together with Kazuki, it seems that her personality is made in line with her being in a relationship. It’s not a bad thing, but it would be nice to see some more to her character than being a girlfriend who accepts her boyfriend and is highly affectionate.


It’s a series that has potential, that’s one thing for sure. While Aika’s personality could have been done better, her dynamic with Kazuki is rather and has a steady development so far. The two make for a cute pair and given Kazuki’s design and background, there’s a uniqueness to the series in comparison to other shoujo works involving a school romance and the supernatural. Overall, there are some misses to the characters, but there is a lot of potentials and is rather endearing so far.

Rating: 7.5/10

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