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General Manga Thoughts: Tensei Shi Chatta Yo


Due to a mistake by God, Shou finds himself dead. To make up for it, God offers Shou reincarnation along with one gift. Shou’s only request is that he retains all of his memories, something which will soon help him in the most unexpected way.

The Good

One of the main highlights of the series is that while the main character is somewhat overpowered like with any other reincarnation into fantasy themed story, his abilities make actual sense. Half the time in these types of stories the protagonist ask for a certain ability/item and then the being who sends them to the new world amplifies things way too much. Here he actually developed himself, and to add to his character, is this humble quality in which he only wanted to keep the memories of his past life.

It may not seem like much and generally, he is not all that different from the regular reincarnated character, but his story and his development actually bars him from most. The fact that the series doesn’t immediately go into large timeskip to create a larger plot is also another point to it. For the most part, the story presents a simple structure with a old character beginning and development with a sensible fantasy work to tie things together.

Outside of the development however, just the general personality of the characters and their backstories make them fuller than most in the beginning half of a fantasy series. The characters and the plot are not the only strength of the series as it also the comedy and the artwork of the series adds to the enjoyment as well,

The Bad

As stated there are plenty of generic plot points to be found with the series, especially with the overpowering of the protagonist. Then there is also the factor to consider that while there was some solid development done on the characters, there were some points that seemed a bit rushed. Point being him being placed in school early because he has the smarts and the abilities. And then when entering into the school arc, that’s when the generic points of the series really stand out.

From the loyal but somewhat airheaded friend to the mysterious girl and even the obnoxious classmate who believes himself to be the best, there is quite the handful to find. And when you think about it, the whole school setting thing is also a bit on the redundant side given how many there are in the fantasy genre. It makes the first half of the series a little bit of waste given how much potential it showed.


For the most part, the first half of the series gave a solid development, a sensible power build up and a good mix of comedy to tie things together. The protagonist is for the most part, what you would expect in a reincarnation story but on the other hand also holds sensible abilities and an endearing quality to him. Still, the second half of the series leaves a disappointing downfall to the potential that was shown in the first half given how redundant some of the scenes were. On the other hand, there may just be a slight chance for the series given on how attention was placed on the development of the main character.

Rating: 7/10

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