As of November 6, the Kyoto Animation anime film A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) bagged a total of 2.1 Billion yen in ticket sales. During its eighth weekend, about 1.6 million tickets were sold which surpassed the ticket sale records of the 3rd Madoka Magica film which earned around 2.08 billion yen on its premiere in 2013.
More theaters showing the film are expected to be added each weekend until December 3.
Based on the popular manga series of the same name by Yoshitoki Oima, A Silent Voice is centered around a deaf girl named Nishimiya Shoko who was bullied by a former delinquent named Ishida Shouya. Shouya’s life turned for the worse when his bullying caused Nishimiya to transfer schools and him ending up alone and instead being bullied by the people around him. As years passed, he then made a bold decision to reclaim himself from the things he has done and suffered.
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