The anime world is still reeling from the tragedy that struck beloved studio Kyoto Animation, which left 34 dead and several others injured. There has been an outpour of support for the studio, both internationally and locally as well. The latest to send their messages of support for the embattled anime studio are no less than three of the main cast of anime classic Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. The said anime is a proud product of Kyoto Animation, being one of the first series from the studio that achieved massive success.
Aya Hirano was just newbie voice actress when she was cast as titular character Haruhi Suzumiya. The role eventually became her big break and sealed her popularity for the years to come, so the sadness she expressed in her blog message, which you can read below, is understandable.
"Kyoto Animation produced The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Lucky Star, two very formative works to me. I would not be who I am if they never existed. Kyoto Animation’s works overflowed with love.
What’s most important right now is to think of those who have been affected by the tragedy. There isn’t much that we can do right now, but I want to keep my composure and approach things in a clear-headed way. All I can do is pray for the affected with all my heart.
There are a lot of emotions that I’m fighting to keep down right now, but I am truly saddened. I’m frustrated. I don’t want [Kyoto Animation] to lose. Sorry that I’m not good with words."
Voice actress Minori Chihara, who voiced Yuki in Haruhi Suzumiya as well as Erica Brown in Violet Evergarden, posted this message on her blog:
"I’ve been involved in many works that Kyoto Animation has poured love into, from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya to Violet Evergarden. Every single one of those works has made me grow as a voice actor and singer.
I will do utmost so that Kyoto Animation’s works can continue into the future. I pray that such awful, illogical things that hurt people and takes lives will one day be gone from this world."
Finally, Mikuru’s voice actress Yuko Goto wrote:
"The people at Kyoto Animation have talked with me and supported me a lot. I know their names and faces. Even now, I’m scared to watch the news, because what if one of those names I know ends up being announced?
Just thinking about the families of the victims and those left alive makes me angry about the incident. What good will a frivolous comment do to those in the middle of it all? This post is just my selfish desire to sort out my feelings.
I pray for the lives that have been lost and for the pain of those fighting to survive to be lessened, if only a little. I pray with all of my heart."
Kyoto Animation adapted The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya from the light novel series of the same name by Nagaru Tanigawa. KyoAni released the anime series in 2006 to massive success, becoming an internet and fandom phenomena and forming a loyal cult following since then.
Source: Anime News Network