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What We See so Far - "The Mountain Climber and the Sealed Evil Fox"


The story begins with a middle-aged man going to the mountain to commit suicide. During his trek, he comes across a sealed youkai black fox girl in a small cave and she asks him to free her. He does so without a second thought and continues on his way to die. When the fox girl realizes what his plan is, she immediately forces the man to give up despite her original intentions. Following this event, the two eventually marry and thus begins the tale of the two’s life as a married couple.

The Good

It’s a type of comedy story that can make you smile from both its humor and the sweetness of the couple. There is a charm to the characters and the way that each chapter reveals different aspects about the fox girl help not only keep the story going but the reader interested. With the male character, he has more a silent charm to him that shines in his dynamic with the fox girl. Another thing plus of the series is how the story is set in a world where supernatural beings and humans seem to coincide yet there seems to be a stigma against supernatural beings. On a smaller note, the fact that the fox girl is an aggressive type who is highly affectionate makes for a nice character.

The Bad

It’s a rather short series so a reader shouldn’t expect all that much in terms of plot. Rather it seems that the plot jumps on different points and doesn’t hold what could be considered as a concrete plot flow. What’s more, there isn’t much shown in terms of character development on the male character. It’s not a bad series, but it’s rather simple and only a few points really make it stand out. Art-wise, it does come off as rather rough and may not appeal to a lot of people.


If you’re looking for an enjoyable comedy featuring a sweet couple and a unique point this is it. There is not much of a story flow but there is a good amount of interesting points to be found in terms of how the supernatural creatures live with and are perceived by humans. Overall, it’s a rather simple series that has enjoyable characters but not much to expect in terms of plot and development.

Rating: 7/10

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