The first part of “Peacemaker Kurogane’s” two-part anime film project titled “Omoumich" (which is literally translated as The Way of Believing) is officially set to be released on June 2, 2018. The news was just posted on the official website of the film and along with it is the confirmation for the release of the second part, “Yuumei” a.k.a. “Friends Life” in fall 2018.
“Peacemaker Kurogane” is a historical fiction manga written and illustrated created by Nanae Chrono released in 1999 under the publication of Enix in the magazine Monthly Shōnen Gangan. Not to be confused with or related to the Peace Maker manga by Ryōji Minagawa, the series ran until September 2011 and has a total of 5 volumes.
Set during 19th century Japan, the series tells the tale of a young energetic boy named Tetsunosuke Ichimura. During a time where seeds of the revolution are being planted amongst the changes taking place in Japan’s political and social structure, Tetsunosuke joins the Shinsegumi, the special police force, in order to gain the strength to avenge the death of his at the hands of a Chōshū rebel.
Currently three of the cast members hold official designs to their characters. Casted to play as the red headed protagonist during his childhood is Yumiko Kobayashi, while casted to play him as a young adult is Yuki Kaji.
Playing the role of the skilled shinobi Susumu Yamazaki is Takahiro Sakurai.
Next up is Jouji Nakata, casted to play as the supposedly cold and ruthless vice commander, Toshizo Hijikata.
As for the rest of the cast they comprise of:
Shinpachi Nagakura: Kappei Yamaguchi
Sanosuke Harada: Kenji Nomura
Souji Okita: Mitsuki Saiga
Tatsunosuke Ichimura: Yuji Ueda
Heisuke Toudou: Kosuke Toriumi
Hajime Saito: Takashi Matsuyama
The director for the film adaptions is Hiroshi Takeuchi, the director behind the “Blade and Soul” series. Acting as the screenplay writer for the film is Eiji Umehara, the writer behind the “Halo Legends” OAV. With them as the character designer of the series is Sayaka Koiso, an artist who have previously worked on the character design of the “Rail Wars!” series. All of them will be working with WHITE FOX for the anime production.
Source: Crunchyroll News
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