There are many anime that have proven that looks can be deceiving and that what is within is what matters. But, there are times when characters need a little push in the right direction to bring out the beauty not only on the inside but on the outside as well. The following anime are features the theme of girls who started off as not the most appealing to beautiful maidens that would be able to tug at may hearts with not just their outer beauty but inner beauty as well.
5. High School Debut
In her junior high days Haruna Nagashima was less than a girly type person having mainly spent her days either playing softball or reading comics. But as she grows and is about to enter into high school, she decides to make a change for herself and aim towards a true high school romance. However, she cannot do it alone, so she manages to get the help of the popular Yoh Kamiyama into turning her into the ideal girl. His only condition? Don’t fall in love with him.
4. Kiss Him Not Me
Kei Serunima was your average otaku fujoshi who spent her days watching her favorite series, buying merchandise and pairing off her male classmates in order to make romantic scenarios about them. However, upon the death of her favorite character she goes into shock and locks herself away for a week. From her mourning she transforms into a beautiful girl that manages to capture the attention of not one but four males. Thus begins her new adventures into trying to handle this new male attention while also retaining her otaku and fujoshi ways.
Since she was young Tsukimi Kurashita has held a great admiration for jellyfish and in growing up she became a jellyfish otaku. She moved to Tokyo in order to become an illustrator and currently lives in a women-only apartment with females similar to her. One day however, during her visit to a pet shop she encounters a beautiful and fashionable girl named Kuranosuke Koibuchi who helps her save a jellyfish. From their encounter, Tsukimi soon finds herself into an entirely unique situation.
2. Paradise Kiss
Yukari was nothing more than a simple student aiming for good grades in order to enter into a good college and make her parents happy. However, one afternoon she finds her world begin to change as she ends up being kidnapped by a group of self-styled fashionistas who call themselves “Paradise Kiss.” Soon she finds herself dragged into the world of fashion and under the guidance of an art-snob by the name of George, finds herself transformed from a hapless bookworm to a glamorous model.
1. The Wallflower
In a rent house there lives four beautiful males named Takano Kyohei, Oda Takenaga, Toyama Yukinojo, and Morii Ranmaru. But even with their good looks they are unable to make enough money for rent, so they make a deal with the landlady. They will have a rented house and get to go to school for free in exchange for having them transform the young woman of the house into a proper lady. The problem? She is a horror movie fanatic who due to a trauma of the past has believed herself to be ugly and gets nosebleeds from seeing something beautiful. Thus begins the boys’ challenge.
See also: Top 5 Animes That Will Always Be Binge Worthy
See also: Best Female Lead Anime on Netflix

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