The anime adaptation of the novel Tsurune: Kazemai High School’s Archery Club is slated to premiere in the Japan on October 14. This was confirmed in the anime adaptation’s official website.
Takuya Yamamura is confirmed to be director, Michiko Yokote is script in-charge, Miku Kadowaki for character designs, and Harumi Fuuki for the music.
The opening theme song for the anime titled “Naru” will be performed by Luck Life. The ending theme song “Orange-iro” will be performed by ChouCho and the single CD of the song will be released on October 31.
Tsurune centers on Minato Narumiya as he is used to be in his middle school’s archery club until something bad happened during his last tournament which made him decided to quit archery for good. Upon reaching high school, his childhood friends namely Ryohei Yamanouchi and Seiya Takehaya tried convincing him to get into the archery club again. He declines until a mysterious stranger he encountered inspired him to come back once more.
Source: Ota-Suke