This is the story of a little girl named Haruse Urara. She and her father travel around in a car that makes up his curry shop and sell curry all around a small, supernaturally quirky island. They are joined by the rambunctious and cheerful Subaru, and the shyer, less adventurous Yoriko. Each day the young girl helps her father along with the two teenage girls in coming up new curry flavors for the different inhabitants of the island.
The Good
You would think, that with a premise that involves a supernatural element, there would be some wacky moments involving supernatural beings wanting a plate of curry but the slice of life genre presents a different take for this tale. Actually, the supernatural element was only lightly placed throughout the series and it left a more whimsical touch more than anything. This greatly helped in establishing a light-hearted theme to the series with just a slight depth to the characters. While there is no concrete plot, the way the story tackled the theme of curry and different how different characters enjoy it presented a rather enjoyable and laid back work.
The Bad
The problem with having no specific plot and instead forming a story around the theme and the characters is that the direction of the series can come off as slightly skewed. And given how laid back the story and characters are, there is no real investment to be made with the series. Frankly, it’s cute, it’s silly but it comes off as rather simple for the most part. Other than this, the characters are rather typical and overall tone rather general.
It’s cute, it’s not great, it’s not something you would invest in but it has a cute quality to it that you can enjoy. The whole theme regarding the curry and the island having supernatural beings adds a solid depth and touch of whimsy to the story but overall, the series is rather typical. “Kyou Curry” is the type of series that you look for when in a downtime of reading a manga or watching anime. It’s simple, has some interesting points but overall it’s something that you would read once and that’s pretty much it.
Rating: 6/10