Top 10 Anime Openings and Endings for Spring 2018

Posted in: Anime News

There are a whole lot of things to enjoy in an anime. The story, characters, art, each anime has something about it to enjoy. One thing that everybody can enjoy though, no matter the anime, is music. Music is one of the biggest things that stick with us when it comes to an anime, especially when it relates to the theme/story of the series.

For this list, we’re looking at the opening and ending songs of new anime which stick out for the new season. More than having a catchy beat, the following listed have been chosen for how well they bring out their series.

10. Golden Kamuy Ending – “Hibana” by THE SIXTH LIE

In all honesty, this writer believes that either the opening or ending of the series works really well. What makes the ending marginally better than the opening is that it presents better visuals. “Golden Kamuy” presents a rather gritty tale mixed in with an interesting note of culture. While the opening does have an interesting sound to it along with emphasizing the journey and battle aspect, the tone was not as impactful. With the ending, the visuals helped with the quick-paced beat of the song. That and it gave a more interesting look at the different characters and gave interesting story imagery.

9. Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits Ending – “Sai color” by Manami Numakura

This is series that takes on the genre of supernatural, shoujo and slice-of-life in an interesting way. An unconventional story and characters are always nice to enjoy. Added with the soft tones brought in by the slice-of-life genre, the ending really brings out the positive features of the series. More than having an artistic beauty to it, the ending theme presents a lovely song with a great build to it. That and the lyrics really tie everything together.

8. Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Opening – “Make Debut” by Azumi Waki. Marika Kōno, Machico, Ayaka Ohashi, Chisa Kimura, Hitomi Ueda, & Saori Ōnishi

So… horse girls, personally, this left a weirdly cute impression. The opening, however, did a good job in introducing the idol and racing combo aspects of the series. When listening to the catchy and preppy tune of the song, it’s easy to see at least some appeal with the series. In just a minute or so, the opening managed to capture many features and positive aspects of the series. From the colorful characters to the clear determination of the protagonist, the opening does well in matching the overall tone of the series.

7. Magical Girl Ore Opening – “NOISY LOVE POWER☆” by Ayaka Ohashi

This is a series that’s crazy in the best of ways and there’s been a fair share of weird anime dished out. Being as cute yet wacky as it is, the poppy song that it dishes out more than works. That and the way that it illustrates how exactly the wackiness works in the series without revealing too much adds to the humor. Other than this, the opening is just a cute song that you would want to bounce to with how preppy it is.

6. Lost Song Opening – “Utaeba Soko ni Kimi ga Iru Kara” (f I Sing, You Will Be There) by Konomi

As a series that features the power of song, it’s only right that the theme song of the series would reflect that. It’s an opening that really catches your attention. Especially with the amount of emotion you can hear placed into it by the performers. Honestly, even if you can’t find the English translation of the song, you can feel the story that it is trying to bring. The way that you can hear the voices harmonize and change tones in different parts really leave an impact. Really, it’s an enjoyable song that brings the image of an interesting story.

5. Hisone to Masotan Opening – “Shōjo wa Ano Sora wo Wataru” (The Girl Crosses That Sky) by Riko Fukutomo

At the beginning of the series, one of the biggest highlights was the flying scenes, most especially, the first time Hisone flew in Masotan. Other than this, the series had a solid set-up for Hisone’s journey. This is what the opening highlighted in the best of ways. With lovely visuals, a rising song and smooth animation, it really does well in portraying the beginning of a journey. It also helps that the lyrics ring a truth for Hisone and the struggle and growth that she goes through.

4. Rokuhōdō Yotsuiro Biyori Ending – “Clover” by Coffee Creamers

For every season or so, there is that one slice-of-life that brings in something heartwarming or different to the table. This is one series that does both. Featuring lovely food art and some well-done character exploration. It has its fun moments and it has it sweet moments, overall, it’s an enjoyable series. True, the whole French vibe seems a bit off at first, the overall beat and art really suit the overall style of the series. While the opening does present the characters and gives a look at the story, the ending just seems more fitting.

3. Megalo Box Opening – “Bite” by Leo Imai

“Megalo Box” has become known as a dark horse of the season. With a classic style, interesting story and characters along with head bobbing music, this is a series that’s captured a lot of attention. Given the art style and content, the rough rock song of the opening is more than fitting. More than the beat of the song, however, the visuals and lyrics largely help in presenting the series. This most especially applies to how the scarred canine is used to represent Joe. Really, this isn’t some zero to hero story, no, this is the story of a wild dog rising to the top and that is what makes this series so great.

2. Tada Never Falls in Love Ending – “Love Song” by Manaka Iwami

In the beginning, the series presented a rather light-hearted looking romance story. As the series progressed, however, there was a surprising amount of emotional depth shown. From the romantic comedy that we get in the start, the story progressed into bittersweet elements of loving another and them not knowing. If one were to look at the meaning of the song, they will find that it touches on losing someone. Added with the singer being the voice actor of female lead Teresa, the song really hits home with the anime.

1. Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku Ending – “Kimi no Tonari” (Next to You) by halca

“Wotakoi” is the type of romance series that brings a refreshing change to the genre. With relatable characters and a different look at relationships, this is a highly adorable work. However, while it does feature a different look at a new and old relationship, there are notes of emotional doubt involving doubt and such. So as catchy as the opening is, the way the ending touches on the softer notes of the series makes for a good listen. What really made the ending take a place on this list over the opening, however, is the lyrics. Personally, it seemed more in touch with the deeper concepts of the series.

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