As a way to celebrate Dengeki’s 25th anniversary and 10th anniversary of the popular Macross franchise, both Macross and Dengeki Hobby will be teaming up to create life-size figures of Macross Frontier’s Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee. Sheryle will be in her popular “Lion” costume while Ranka will be in her “Seikan Hikō” costume. Prototypes for the figures are now in the works.
In case you missed it, May’n (the voice of Sheryl Nome) returned in the “Gooorgeous” animated music video “Gooorgeous” last March which is also part of the anniversary celebrations. Other celebration event line-ups were a live music concert, virtual reality, theater, planetarium, projection mapping display, amusement center, shop, toy, and network projects.
Macross Frontier compose Kentaro Haneda was honored last September 17 as part of the celebrations in a concert in held in Tokyo.
Source: Dengeki Hobby Web