From 2003 the shoujo anime featuring a young girl in search for her mother, “Ashita no Nadja” returns this year with a sequel novel. Titled “Ashita no Nadja – 16-sai no Tabidachi” a.k.a. “Tomorrow’s Nadja – A Journey at 16 Years Old”, the sequel was officially announced earlier this month by anime writer Tomoko Konparu.
Currently has a cover art and other illustrations done the series’ character designer Kazuto Nakazawa and has been confirmed by Kodansha to be published in mid-September. For the story of the series it will be set three years after the original story of the series.
“Ashita no Nadja” is romance anime produced in 2003 by Toei animation with a total of 50 episodes. During the run of the anime, a manga adaptation was also released in February 2003 by Kodansha in the manga magazine Nakayoshi, and has a total of two volumes with Izumo Todo as the writer and Yui Ayumi as the illustrator.
As for the staff, they include:
Director: Takuya Igarashi
Script: Yamatoya Akatsuki
Series Composition: Tomoko Konparu
Character Design: Kazuto Nakazawa
Chief Animation Director: Masayuki Satou
Music:Keiichi Oku
As for the main cast they include:
Ami Koshimizu as Nadja
Mitsuki Saiga as Keith and Francis Harcourt
The story of the series tells of a young female named Nadja. An orphan girl who lives at the Applefield Orphanage in England during the early 20th century. On the day of her 13th birthday she receives not only package containing a dress and a broach but a letter informing her that her mother is in fact alive.
Her celebration over this news is cut short however when two men break into the orphanage and attempt to steal her keepsake broach only for her to escape.
From her escape she finds herself joining an artist troupe and travels the world with them, learning what she can on her lineage and destiny while meeting different people and learning their own stories. In the course of her journey she meets the handsome and princely Keith Harcourt and the mysterious thief Black Rose, two people she seems to end rather entangled with.
Source: AnimeNewsNetwork