After the First: Cleanliness Boy Aoyama

Posted in: Anime News


This is the tale of Aoyama, a soccer player so talented that he has earned a spot on the 16-under team of Japan. But with all his skills for the sport, he has one problem, he is an extreme germaphobe. Whether it be throwing the ball or celebrating a win with his teammates, Aoyama will do whatever it takes not to get dirty. Even going as far as to wear gloves if he is made to throw the ball. Now in a new high school and team, how will things turn out?

The First Episode

The premise of the series did well enough with a smooth introduction that quickly caught the attention of the viewer. The art and animation was also well done with how in certain scenes it looked as if it was going through a camera movement from a film.But while the premie, art, and animation did well enough for the introduction of the episode, the music did not do as well. With the not so memorable opening and the obviously meant for comedy ending, the themes of the series don’t leave much of an impression. Still as a first episode goes it still left a positive mark.

After the First

The mesh of the genres for the rest of the series seems to work well for the most part and doesn’t stray away from the focus of the series which is Aoyama. The animation also continues to be really well done even when there was no game going on and with the little art pieces shown in the opening when the episode is focusing  on a specific character makes for a small comedic moment.

Speaking of comedy, the comedy of the series while nice seems to only hold one side to it and at times it doesn’t deliver as well as it should have. Also, while it may be a sports anime, little is discussed on the actual sport itself outside of the characters playing it. Then there is also the moments of insightfulness which comes a surprise in the thought provocation it bring in the development of characters.

But while work is being done on the side characters it seems as if there is also a slow but steady development for the protagonist as well though not very clear at first. Overall, there is potential for the series and not doing too bad so far.

Rating: 7/10

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