This is the story of Inaba Yuushi, a young male who lost his parents at a young age and up until he graduated middle school he has been staying with his uncle’s family. Now as he is about to enter high school he aims to live on his own. However, the dorm he had planned to stay in had burned down and is left without a place to stay, however, with a bit of help he soon finds himself with an apartment to stay at until repairs are done at the dorm. The catch? The apartment is a residence to ghosts and youkai!
The Good
The main protagonist is what keeps the story going with his reactions and different personality compared to other works. The music of the episode is also catchy and the art while not amazing, is soothing and easy on the eye as well. The designs of the different ghost and youkai, when they showed up held a little mystery to them which made it a little interesting in a way and the palettes of the show was pleasing when it came to view as well. Overall it was the little details and the music along with the personality of the protagonist and the overall execution of the episode that made it for a good introduction to the series without going overly exaggerated or chaotic.
The Bad
The premise of this character is very cliché and the concept of the main protagonist is nothing new even if his personality is different from the usual. The concept of youkai as well is nothing largely different as well and there are many aspects of the show that can be matched with many similar youkai related slice of life series. The art is not a large standout nor are the side character types are rather predictable as well. Overall, there are a lot of predictable, cliché moments that can be matched to similar anime involving teens and youkai.
True enough, it’s theme is pretty predictable in terms of a high school student suddenly finding themselves immersed into the supernatural world of ghosts and youkai and it holds many themes that are familiar with other slice of life supernatural series. However, the protagonist’s personality and attitude is a little bit refreshing even with his cliché background and the little shiny moments of colored background is both pretty and a little bit humorous from a personal opinion. The music is also catchy and overall, the first episode did well as a premise for the rest of the series and an opening door into what to expect.
Rating: 7/10