In December 1990, a supernatural manga series known as “Yu Yu Hakusho” was created by a man named Yoshiro Togashi, a manga artist who is known to have created a currently classic shounen series, “HunterxHunter.” On October 2, 1992, the manga was adapted into an anime series that ran for a total of four seasons with over 112 episodes in length total.
The story of the series revolves around a male 14-year-old delinquent with a penchant for brawling named Yusuke Urameshi. One day however, for an unknown reason he completely acts out-of-character and saves a young boy from being hit by a car by pushing him away only to end up as the victim himself ad perish. Yet it is in his death that his adventure truly begins as he is informed by the spirit Bon of the River Styx that no place has been decided for him in either heaven or hell.
As an alternative, Yusuke is given the chance of returning to the human world by undergoing a series of tests. Alongside his friends and companions Keiko Yukimura and Kazuma Kuwabara he traverses the “Spirit World” a.k.a. “Underworld” and succeeds in ever challenge that he faces.
From his success, he gains the title “Underworld Detective” a.k.a. “Reikai Tantei”/"Spirit World Detective as he goes through he faces everything the supernatural realm throws at him, whether it be demons, fighting tournaments or beings with superhuman abilities, he faces them all with his own skills and prowess.
Now years have passed since the finale of both the manga and anime series and now the tale of a young delinquent battling his way through a supernatural realm filled with demons and fighting has become one of the classics in the supernatural shounen series of the nineties alongside “HunterxHunter” and “Dragonball”
Officially it has been 25 years since the anime had aired and with this Studio Pierrot wishes to officially celebrate the occasion with a number of works. Though the anime was officially aired on October 2, it was decided that the celebration would be launched alongside this week’s AnimeJapan event. One of the things that fans may enjoy that commemorates this event is an official website created by the studio with a celebration visual.
Another way for fans to celebrate the anniversary is with a visit the collaboration café in Adores which is scheduled to run from the end of April to July. But if you want to have something for keeps, it has been reported that a mobile game based on the Dark Tournament teams of 5 characters is under works by KLabGames.
For any other details, go to Crunchyroll News
To check out the anniversary site, go here