On Saturday, the official website of the One Piece franchise revealed a preview visual of the upcoming anime-original arc “Marine Rookie” which will premiere on March 19. The arc will focus on Luffy and his companions traveling to rescue Sanji as well as featuring some new characters and new Marine soldiers. You can check out the visuals of the new characters below as well as some information as described by Comic Natalie.
Natsuki Hanae as Grant, who has a strong sense of justice and who looks up to Aokiji. He is a devil fruit user.
Hiroki Yasumoto as Bonam, a member of the Longarm Tribe. Among the three soldiers, he acts as the older brother figure.
Makoto Furukawa as Sappa, a dual-sword wielder. He has a fear of strangers, but he loves women so much he is very outgoing toward them. He completely changes once he’s drawn his sword.
Youhei Tadano as Vice-Admiral Prodi, who seems to be an old friend of Garp. He runs the marine base on the island Fron. He is a drunkard and a glutton, and he’s irresponsible, but he’s an old man with a good heart. He fights using artillery.
If you are looking for a One Piece adventure that are not from the manga, then this anime arc might be it.