The adventures of the white seal Goma-chan and their owner, schoolboy Ashibe Ashiya, created by Hiromi Morishita, first published in 1988 with one manga sequel and three anime series, the latest having premiered in April 2016 is set to continue this year with a second season. According to the NHK’s official website for the anime known as “Shōnen Ashibe GO! GO! Goma-chan”, the second season is set to premiere on April 4 and will be shown on air on NHK E-TV on Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m.
Currently, Nobuhiro Konda, who is known for his work with series “Nobunagun” and “Cerberus” is directing the ongoing first season. With him, working on the series composition is the man who worked on the series “Fairy Musketeers” and “Saint Seiya: Soul of Gold”, Toshimitsu Takeuchi. For the upcoming second season however, there has been no details in regards to the staff and cast that has been confirmed as of this time.
In additional news though, it has been reported that the manga which has been under the publication of Futabasha’s Monthly Action magazine will be undergoing a change in magazines, as confirmed in Monthly Action’s April issue. The magazine in which the manga is shifting is known as “Monthly Manga Town” and it will be debuting the manga on May 6.
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