The anime net series based on a mobile game “Monster Strike The Animation” created by the company “mixi” and reported to have over 35 million players worldwide by its staff has announced on Saturday their premier of a second season with a streaming of videos on their official Youtube Channels.
First premiering in October 2015 the anime tells the story of Ren Homura who after returning to his hometown of Kaminohara finds that his memories don’t seem to match up with the town itself. What’s more he also finds an app entitled “Monster Strike” suddenly installed into his phone and discovers somehow that the game and its battles seem click something in his conflicting memories the further he goes into the mystery of the app.
The first season ran for a total of fifty episodes, streaming on Youtube with English subtitles and ended on December 1 and afterwards Crunchyroll took to screening the anime. Earlier this month the anime had released a prequel movie entitled “Monster Strike The Movie” which topped the Japanese box office on its first weekend.
Now fans of the show can mark their calendars for April 1, 2017 for the upcoming second season.
For any more details check out this.