Manga artist Kazuhiko Shimamoto is known for his works like Aoi Hono, Hono no Tenkosei, and Moeyo Pen. During this summer’s Comiket, he really got a lot of people’s attention beccause of his ridiculous doujinshi about his reaction to Hideaki Anno’s Shin Godzilla film titled Anno vs. Hono. In a recent tweet, he shared that the movie was the cause of Anno’s great “loss”.
Shimamoto and Anno knew each other in their college days in Osaka University of the Arts. Shimamoto sees Anno as a rival. Upon seeing his Godzilla, he couldn’t resist tweeting his disappointment. The manga cover of his doujins reveals his reaction to the movie in full detail. In this season’s Comiket, he has made a sequel to the mentioned doujinshi titled The Tweets of Anno vs. Honō which took him months to finish in time for the event.
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