Based on Project Itoh’s novel and licensed by anime publisher “FUNimation Entertainment”, upcoming anime sci-fi film set in a world destroyed by a nuclear device with a transformed government “Genocidal Organ” is announced to premier on February 3 in Japan with pre-order ticket sales starting earlier this month.
Earlier this month there has been a release of a new teaser video by the website along with a new poster visual done by illustrator “redjuice”. As of now there has been a released streaming of a promotional video done by the official site of the anime film on Tuesday. Featured in the video is the history of the production, introduces the story, and includes an interview with director Shukou Murase.
In additional news it has been reported that after the back-out of studio Manglobe from the animation of the film after filing for bankruptcy in September 2015. Which in turn resulted in the delay of the film, a new company has taken over in producing the film and they are Geno Studio
For more details and to see the video check out this article.