For many sci-fi fans of the anime community, “Tiger and Bunny” is a show to watch, telling a story set in a world where beings known as “NEXT” (an acronym standing for Noted Entities with eXtraordinary Talents) have appeared and a number of them have become superheroes and work for a sponsor company in order to reach the rank of “King of Heroes” the show makes for a unique watch. Having ran for over twenty-five episodes with two films the fans still hope for more and now with a single tweet, a stir has been made.
The said tweet was by none other than voice actor and founder of Hirata Productions Hiroki Hirata as indicated by a star emoji made at the beginning of the tweet in his tweet he posted a picture of (from left to right) voice actors of the main cast of “Tiger and Bunny” Taiten Kusunoki(Antonio Lopez), Mariya Ise (Huang Pao-Lin), Hiroaki Hirata (Kotetsu T. Kaburagi), Masukazu Morita (Barnaby Brooks Jr.), Kenjiro Tsuda (Nathan Seymour) and presumably Minako Kotobuki, voice actress for “Miss Minako” cut off at the side of the picture. From this post alone fans are already thinking of possibly more of the anime to come.
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