As a way of celebrating its 10th anniversary (and seventh anniversary of its anime franchise), Seitokai Yakuindomo, a manga created by Tozen Ujiie has confirmed to have its own anime film adaptation slated for a July 21 premiere. This announcement was revealed on Wednesday in the 2017 combined second and third issue of Weekly Shonen Magazine. It will be titled as Gekijōban Seitokai Yakuindomo.
The magazine issue has also revealed the animation studio, the staff, and official cast for this film. Hiromitsu Kanazawa will be director while GoHands will still remain as the official animation studio(they did the animation for the first anime adaptation of the manga). Other staff members returning for this project would be character designer Makoto Furuta, music composer Yuya Mori, and sound director Ryo Tanaka. The production have also added Takanori Kikuchi as its new director of photography.
Below is the list of the official cast reprising their roles from the anime’s two seasons and OVAs for the animated film:
Shintarō Asanuma as Takatoshi Tsuda
Yōko Hikasa as Shino Amakusa
Satomi Satou as Aria Shichijou
Sayuri Yahagi as Suzu Hagimura
Chiwa Saito as Uomi
Sumire Uesaka as Mori
Asami Shimoda as Kotomi Tsuda
Miho Hino as Toki
Emiri Katō as Kaede Igarashi
Chiaki Omigawa as Mutsumi Mitsuba
Yu Kobayashi as Naruko Yokoshima
Satomi Arai as Ranko Hata
Mutsumi Tamura as Sayaka Dejima
Hekiru Shiina as Nene Todoroki
Tickets will go on sale starting Wednesday. Those who purchase ticket bundles will have a signed shikishi board. A second pre-order ticket sale is scheduled in March (with a free school calendar for those who purchase ticket bundles).
For more information, you can check out Anime News Network.