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According to Fans, These 5 Anime have the Most Annoying Fanbases

With thousands of critics emerging, seemingly everyday, it is somehow difficult to be a fan of anime films or series nowadays. One of the most challenging parts is the toxic fandoms, you most commonly encounter online, ready to start an argument at the drop of a hat.

10 Anime Characters Who Deserve Defeat

In the world of anime and just about any other story, it's common to have a protagonist and an antagonist. As the viewer, we're to follow the protagonist throughout their journey in hopes of a well-deserved victory.

Best Female Lead Anime on Netflix

In a predominantly male-dominated culture and genre, anime tends to over-represent and favor action-packed adventures of male protagonists discovering their true strengths. As a result, excellent anime featuring female characters can be challenging to locate.

New Dragon Ball Movie to Hit Theaters Internationally This Summer

This summer, one of the best, long-running anime will have another big-screen movie. Yes, you read it right: the Dragon Ball Super franchise will have another movie, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, released this summer.
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Anime Milwaukee may have hired previously-fired Anime Detour executives

12 days ago
Reports have surfaced that Anime Milwaukee may have hired former executives that were removed from the board of directors and executive leadership team of Anime Detour, however they can not be immediately verified as the parent organization of Anime Milwaukee, called the Entertainment Culture Promotion Society, has not updated its website since 2022.

Artificial Intelligence from OpenAI expands to Tokyo

6 months ago
In a significant move, OpenAI is establishing a new office in Tokyo and unveiling a version of its GPT-4 model optimized specifically for the Japanese language. This expansion underscores the company’s commitment to localizing its AI technology as it grows its global footprint.

Anime Detour removes Troy McDonald and Kristen Loth from executive team

8 months ago
Minneapolis, MN – Anime Detour, a popular annual anime convention held in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, has undergone a significant leadership shakeup following the results of two internal investigations.

Anime fans can get your own free website on Raven

9 months ago
If you’re an anime fan looking for a way to share your passion with the world, Website Raven is the perfect platform for you. Built to be easy to use and flexible, Website Raven is a website builder that allows you to create your own personalized website for free, giving you the tools to connect with other fans, showcase your artwork, share your favorite series, or build a fan community.

Top staff suspended at Anime Detour

10 months ago
Anime conventions, despite being a haven for geeks, nerds, and the often-oppressed, are also sadly no stranger to drama. Some Anime Detour staff have posted a link to a petition to remove the board of directors of "Anime Twin Cities Inc.

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