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legend08 @legend08
left a comment for
RavenClaw blackfox
legend08 @legend08
Let me share my story with u and I think we’ll become good friends. I can connect to u

legend08 @legend08
left a comment for
RavenClaw blackfox
legend08 @legend08
Please add me, I would like to be your friend and we have things in common

foo_fighter @foo_fighter
left a comment for
RavenClaw blackfox
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
will someone talk to me

RavenClaw blackfox @black_fox17
will someone talk to me
RavenClaw blackfox @black_fox17
hello people,
I need some friends, someone to talk to because I am lonely and no one is willing to say a word to me so someone please talk to me and become my friend because I really need friends to talk to, my life at home is not very good because my mom is name-calling and downgrading me, and making me want to hurt myself. please, someone, talk to me.
my family hurting me

RavenClaw blackfox @black_fox17
my family hurting me
RavenClaw blackfox @black_fox17
hello people and friends,
I have been crying for the few hours because my family is fat-shaming me, and calling me a slut and a disappointment to my family honor, and that I should live and never come back. and I need someone to talk to because I feel so lonely right now and I dont know what to do, mean its nothing new I have been dealing with this for 17 years so its nothing new, unless you want to count the scars on my arm. everything was fine when the holidays came around but then when the holidays were over my started fat-shaming me and calling me names, and i even deal with this at school. it's like anywhere i go people hate and dislike me.