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Hello Friends!

Vlad the Impaler @mark_ewert
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Hello Friends!
Vlad the Impaler @mark_ewert
Anime Midwest 2019

Vlad the Impaler @mark_ewert
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Anime Midwest 2019
Vlad the Impaler @mark_ewert
twilightraven93> I'm sure you're going to have a blast. Parts of Chicago can be trouble, so stay with the con crowd if you travel off-site for food or shopping/sightseeing. I'm sure you'll make fast friends if you keep yourself open. I expect 18000 attendees so that makes 18000 possible new friends! Lots of people looking out for each other so you need not be too worried. My daughter and I are also very excited to see the schedule and can't wait to see Voltaire! We play Voltaire's CDs in the car all the time :-). I expect to see the schedule maybe mid June.