Need a room for Midwest

jubeixd @jubeixd
Need a room for Midwest
jubeixd @jubeixd
willing to pay half the room for a bed at anime midwest

froppy235 @froppy235
commented on
Need a room for Midwest
froppy235 @froppy235
are you going to animinneapolis?

jubeixd @jubeixd
commented on
Need a room for Midwest
jubeixd @jubeixd
Nope just midwest if it still goes on

faskylen @faskylen
commented on
Need a room for Midwest
faskylen @faskylen
I am looking for roomies :3 i havent booked anything yet

jacktheshipper @jacktheshipper
commented on
Need a room for Midwest
jacktheshipper @jacktheshipper
Are you still looking for roomies? My friend and I have a room at the Double Tree and have room for up to three more :)

lauraabney @lauraabney
commented on
Need a room for Midwest
lauraabney @lauraabney
This account has been suspended.

rock109cold @rock109cold
commented on
Need a room for Midwest
rock109cold @rock109cold
I have available for my room at the Hyatt if people still need a room so far is my my nephew and one other person
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