Anime Midwest roommate

mayhem3485 @mayhem3485
Anime Midwest roommate
mayhem3485 @mayhem3485
Hi, I have a two queen bed room at the Hyatt Regency for the 5th through the 7th and my friend cancelled on me so I'm looking for a new roommate for the convention

mayhem3485 @mayhem3485
commented on
Anime Midwest roommate
mayhem3485 @mayhem3485

ninyall @ninyall
commented on
Anime Midwest roommate
ninyall @ninyall
my friend cancelled on me as well but i've only got a 1 bedroom i suppose i could cancel my reservation if your still looking im also at the hytt if you wana change hotels

tmot @tmot
commented on
Anime Midwest roommate
tmot @tmot
I need a room for the night, if you guys are still interested
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