Roommate's needed! (Urgent)

cupkait @cupkait
Roommate's needed! (Urgent)
cupkait @cupkait
Heeey! A friend and I might be interested to room. How much is it for each person? Maybe we can message each other? My twitter/instagram is: @hellocupkait. Let me know, thanks! :)

DoubleX @doublex
commented on
Roommate's needed! (Urgent)
DoubleX @doublex
Still looking for a room?

mayhem3485 @mayhem3485
commented on
Roommate's needed! (Urgent)
mayhem3485 @mayhem3485
I messaged you on insta

Twin.Tails.Cosplay @kilala20000
commented on
Roommate's needed! (Urgent)
Twin.Tails.Cosplay @kilala20000
Thank you guys for offering but I already fond a couple roommates.
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