Had a great time at Anime Midwest

uttamattamakin @uttamattamakin
Had a great time at Anime Midwest
uttamattamakin @uttamattamakin
My Anime Midwest 2018 I created a Microsoft Sway webpage of my photos. On a 1-10, with 2 being 10x better than 1. Friday was a 4 and Saturday was a 9 for me. Was invited to be on a panel by Greg Ayers which was very cool... one of my former students was in the audience which was mortifying! Oh and yes I would be remiss if I didn't mention the very cool Maid Cafe. It was so CUTE and innocently fun! But everyone was totally cool. Cya at Con Alt Del maybe. https://sway.com/VHFdPc9egnDLviNt?ref=Link
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