Watcha watching?

rentario @rentario
Watcha watching?
rentario @rentario
So what current anime are you guy's watching? Is it a new anime that is coming out this season or an older one? I am currently watching a lot of animes that are coming out this season such as: Attack on Titan S2, My hero Academia, Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records, Boruto and a couple others.

Rainboss_woman @rainboss_woman
commented on
Watcha watching?
Rainboss_woman @rainboss_woman
I'm watching Hakuoki, which I think is WAY too underrated, I just finished Inu X Boku SS, and I just started SAO!

huwoji @huwoji
commented on
Watcha watching?
huwoji @huwoji
I just finished Haikyu!! S1- 3 and Yuri!! On Ice... and I just couldn’t wait for their next seasons! Waaaaaaa

gothicemo666 @gothicemo666
commented on
Watcha watching?
gothicemo666 @gothicemo666
just finished no game no life xD and one piece lol finally xD

DotPlusDot @dotplusdot
commented on
Watcha watching?
DotPlusDot @dotplusdot
I'm going through Tokyo Ghoul & One Punch Man again. Any suggestions?
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