Going to a con?

okami @okami
Going to a con?
okami @okami
What's the next con you're going to?

LeonMcNichol @leonmcnichol
commented on
Going to a con?
LeonMcNichol @leonmcnichol
next is Salt Lake City FanX St. Patrick's Day.

LeonMcNichol @leonmcnichol
commented on
Going to a con?
LeonMcNichol @leonmcnichol
So, March 17th & 18th FanX Salt Lake City.

justaweeabooteen @justaweeabooteen
commented on
Going to a con?
justaweeabooteen @justaweeabooteen
anime midwest chicago!

shslluck01 @shslluck01
commented on
Going to a con?
shslluck01 @shslluck01
I'm going to Anime Midwest on July 7 & 8

kael_sandslasher @kael_sandslasher
commented on
Going to a con?
kael_sandslasher @kael_sandslasher
Anime Midwest! Was just at Detour.

okami @okami
commented on
Going to a con?
okami @okami
Anime Midwest is going to be AMAZING this year!

annabeth3095 @annabeth3095
commented on
Going to a con?
annabeth3095 @annabeth3095
Anime Midwest!

rentario @rentario
commented on
Going to a con?
rentario @rentario
Yoi-Con in Ohio :D then Animinniapolis next month

ryknaus1_01 @ryknaus1_01
commented on
Going to a con?
ryknaus1_01 @ryknaus1_01
Anime Midwest
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