Going to a con?

greendragonhartz @greendragonhartz
commented on
Going to a con?
greendragonhartz @greendragonhartz
Anime Midwest

vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
commented on
Going to a con?
vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
Anime Midwest is my next major con, a few library shows might be scattered in between then and now

fab_jhammy @fab_jhammy
commented on
Going to a con?
fab_jhammy @fab_jhammy
Anime Midwest, first anime convention, and a little bit (*read very) scared. Don't wanna be alone...

P4193 @p4193
commented on
Going to a con?
P4193 @p4193
Don't worry, same here fab_jhammy.

zacknero03 @zacknero03
commented on
Going to a con?
zacknero03 @zacknero03
fab_jhammy and P4193, don't worry, it'll be fun.

elderscrolls22 @elderscrolls22
commented on
Going to a con?
elderscrolls22 @elderscrolls22
Anime Midwest from the 6th to 8th!!

prosaic_poet8 @prosaic_poet8
commented on
Going to a con?
prosaic_poet8 @prosaic_poet8
Anime Midwest from the 6th to the 8th! ^_^

prosaic_poet8 @prosaic_poet8
commented on
Going to a con?
prosaic_poet8 @prosaic_poet8
fab_jhammy omg me too! Does anyone have any tips about what i should do since its my first con? Like is there somewhere i MUST go or something i MUST do while i'm there?
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