Digimon Data Squad [TV]
A fourteen-year-old boy, Marcus Damon, an undefeated ultimate fighter (“street fighter” in the Japanese version), meets Agumon, who has escaped from DATS, a secret government organization set up to defend the human world from invading wild Digimon. After fighting each other, the two quickly become friends, and through a series of events, are inducted into DATS, where they hope to grow in strength.
Marcus’s team-mates include 14-year-old Thomas H. Norstein, a young prodigy, with his partner Gaomon, and 18-year-old Yoshino “Yoshi” Fujieda who has Lalamon for her partner. As the series progresses, Thomas discovers that Digimon respond to the “darkness” in humans, putting them at odds with monsters who seek to use humanity’s own vices to bolster their own power.