A Town Where You Live [Manga]
The plot primarily follows the two characters Haruto Kirishima and Yuzuki Eba. Yuzuki moved from Tokyo to her father’s rural hometown in the Hiroshima Prefecture. Given that Haruto’s father is an acquaintance of Yuzuki’s father, the Kirishima’s take her into their home. Haruto is not keen of the situation because he believes that Yuzuki is a complete stranger and that a girl his same age, who is not a relative, living in the same home will cause complications for him. The misunderstanding he wants to avoid the most is that they are a couple because he already likes his classmate, Nanami Kanzaki. The problem is that Yuzuki has romantic feelings for Haruto and is not timid in pursuing a relationship. AKA Kimi no Iru Machi.